
Tuesday 15 December 2015


1.Rajar stands for Radio Joint audience research
Barb stands for Broadcasters audience research board

2.Rajar are owned by BBC, and BARB are funded by BBC, ITV, Sky, IPA, Channel 4 and 5.

3.Barb commission research companies Ipsos MORI, Kantar Media and RSMB to collect data that represent the viewing behaviour of the UK’s 26 million TV households. they then get all this data together and see what they need to possible change, they're always looking to improve.

Rajar use the data they get to see what the busiest time is and when more people are listening so they know where they can improve they also like to see what age and gender people are who are listening.

4.Rajar use primary research to get their data they then see the most popular market, Barb looks at the averages viewers on Tv, on demand. Also the trends like genre, channel and annual viewing.

5.The work they do is relevant because then need to study the figures and corporations such as BBC/Itv can work out what the viewers are watching so they know where the main audience is and where they can improve.

6.They help consumers out by contacting them and seeing where they can improve on for future showings

7.Barb do qualitative research looking for specific area's which appeal to certain audiences Rajar are qualitative as well 

8. Market research is where you gather information about the consumers 

9.To find out information regarding the consumers and to see if there is any way to improve. 

10. To find out details about a business, if there is a gap in the market for a certain project and to see what the latest trend in the market is.

Outside photo's Music magazine

As a group we took about 20 pictures outside and inside for a music magazine, we experienced some issues along the way with props and the lighting but as a group we overcame it and got some good pictures that we will use for the music magazine. The reason why the pictures we chose will suit the magazine is because they are listening to music while the photographer took the pictures. 

We chose this image for our front cover of our music magazine, we have the black space to the right of the image for a logo, or anything to do related to music.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Photoshop-Removing backgrounds


I used the magic wand tool to select part of the background which was around Arnold, this allowed me to delete the black around his head I also had to use the eraser to get some of the black dots that were left from using the magic wand tool. I then decided to place him in the bottom right corner due to the fact I didn't want to take away the affect of the background.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

three different ways that audiences are categorised

There are three different ways that audiences are categorised, Demographic, Psychographic and geographical

Demographic is a way of describing a group of people according to various factors, this is quantitive

Psychographic is a way of describing people on their attitude, opinions and their lifestyle this is qualitative

Geographical is describing people on their location

The National Readership Survey is a joint venture company in the UK between the institute of practitioners advertising (IPA) and the periodical publishers association (PPA) It provides audience research for print advertising trading in the UK.