
Thursday 28 January 2016



3. What attracted me to these companies?

The reason why I chose Weebly, Squarespace and Design instruct was because they look simple but professional, they all have a lot of detail on their sites which is easy to understand. The main reason why I chose these sites was because they are used by many people and they all have great feedback about them.

4. The unique selling point for Squarespace would be it's huge range of verity of templates available, the main selling point for Weebly would be the simplicity of how easy the site is to understand, they have much detail and have video's and screen grabs of how to do certain tutorials. For Contently the unique selling point would be

The different pricing plans

Uploading multimedia content

Examples of portfolios

Ranking of the site

Tuesday 26 January 2016


ISO setting is its sensitivity, the higher the ISO is the more sensitive it is, the lower the ISO is the less sensitive it will be. So if you wanted a brighter picture you will want to make the ISO higher.

On our cannon camera the lowest ISO is 100 and the highest is 6400.

Where to find the ISO setting on the cannon, you change it to TV, then click the top arrow on the camera it says ISO and then you will be given the option from Auto, 100-6400 and select which one you need.

If you want a darker picture change the ISO to a low number for example 100 that will make the picture near enough black, and will be hard to see.

If you chose a high ISO, that will let more noise come through which can cause your photo you are taking to be more blurry so you need to find the right balance for the ISO.

This was our first picture using a high ISO (3200) this shows what happens when it's fairly dark it makes most the image hard to see.

This was our second image we took, outside of the South building, the ISO setting we used for this picture was 400, on this day where it wasn't sunny just dull and cloudy, the ISO setting we used was good enough to capture the best possible picture.

Monday 25 January 2016


Defamation- is when a false claim has been made to someone, if this affects someones reputation or a companys, firms and other establishments this allows them to sue them.

slander definition-slander means the defamation of spoken words like rumours and public accusations as these are less serious and they're harder to prove in court

Libel means the defamation of written words such as articles these are more serious due to having a copy in front of you for evidence.

Fair comment is the opinion on a subject that has no malicious meaning behind the comment.

Public comment is in the interest of the public which can affect a whole load of people and their rights, health and finances are the main areas that can be affected.

Recent UK defamation

The most well known case I could find was Keith Smith v Williams, it was the first case that was started with a poster in a chat room, and she got herself in more trouble when she posted further demands in a yahoo discussion group with over 100 people seeing this at that time she was fined 10,000 pounds

Other defences- Website owners are also protected, where people post on their this could be by them or someone else.

contempt of court

The crime committed
Arrest or warrant for arrest
Sentence or aquital

If I were to report this claim from a person who lives in Dark Woods, I would be risk breaking Youth identity law as the claim involves someone under the set age, I could overcome this by not mentioning the youths name in my report.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Final design bookmark

Cmyk is a colour system that contains four colours which are, Cyan, magenta, yellow and black. In the print industry these four colours are used as the primary colours.

RGB is red, green and blue is a system for mixing colours, this model can be used in computer monitors, television sets and theatres. Red, green and blue dots are used for creating the image, when it's red and green overlap, you'll see yellow, this system is only to devices using light for example tv sets or a computer monitor.

In my opinion the photoshop file should be 300dpi when it comes to printing as it gives the maximum quality to the picture to be shown. Dpi means dots per inch this means if the dot count is higher, then the quality will be higher which allows for it to be sharper and less blurry.

My design

For my bookmark I designed it on The Bourne Supremacy, I have used a hand drawn image that are all related to the book, for example I've used him looking down the sight of a sniper, but instead of having the sniper you have the sight on his right eye. I've only used standard colours that are expected from a Bourne book. On my bookmark I've used abstract colours as they are used for real equipment and many other designs and it's very abstract. I've tried to make it look and feel like a Bourne bookmark and I've just taken key parts from the book and re created them as a picture onto my bookmark. It has taken me a long time to create the best possible bookmark I can however if I were to do it again I would make the layout of my bookmark different, as the way Iv'e laid my picture out isn't much different to other bookmarks. I may also of added more writing. Although what I do like about my bookmark is that it looks good and different to other bookmarks, and that his right eye (left as looking at it from the screen) is the scope of a sniper. The layout is good but does have some floors to it but as a whole there are more positives than negatives, the negatives would be that I had taken a long time to upload my final piece onto illustrator which gave me less time to make it look better, slicker and more professional however for future designs I know what I can do to make my design better, there is only a few small issues that I've learnt from. As a whole I am pleased with my final design and would only change a few minor details, I've also gained valuable experience using illustrator.

This is my final design. I used the pen tool to get the shapes which form different parts of the face, I thought this would be the most unique way I could create my bookmark. I've used a few colours which makes it stand out more. Instead of having The Bourne Supremacy at the top I decided to put it to the right of the picture mainly for affect, I am happy with how my bookmark has come out as I didn't have that high of expectations as Iv'e not designed a bookmark before. However if I were to change something it would be making the tittle in a different font style which would make it look more unique and would add to the wackiness of my bookmark. I got some inspiration from researching Kate Moross as she uses a variety of art for her work, however what I took inspiration from was her use of shapes and when she used them, for example she uses them to fill space and to make her work more unique to herself. I took this and added it to my work which I think has worked very well as it has made my work unique and my own. 

This will be the back of my bookmark, it is a brief overview of what happens in the book. 

photography Using flash lights in a dark area

We were just trying to make some wacky image that didn't necessarily go to how we expected, if we were to do this again we would move the camera so there is no reflection of the table although in this image it gives a good affect to it, and also have an idea of what image we are trying to create. The camera setting was set as TV and we used F"30" but we had to change it to "6" to make the image clearer. 
This was our first attempt, and as you can see this didn't turn out as well as we wanted, this was a example of when we had the setting as F30 

What is shutter speed? It is a setting in the camera which is controls the length of time the shutter is open that allows light through the sensor.

10 year plan

Powerpoint employment opportunities in the media from JackHollers