
Tuesday 26 January 2016


ISO setting is its sensitivity, the higher the ISO is the more sensitive it is, the lower the ISO is the less sensitive it will be. So if you wanted a brighter picture you will want to make the ISO higher.

On our cannon camera the lowest ISO is 100 and the highest is 6400.

Where to find the ISO setting on the cannon, you change it to TV, then click the top arrow on the camera it says ISO and then you will be given the option from Auto, 100-6400 and select which one you need.

If you want a darker picture change the ISO to a low number for example 100 that will make the picture near enough black, and will be hard to see.

If you chose a high ISO, that will let more noise come through which can cause your photo you are taking to be more blurry so you need to find the right balance for the ISO.

This was our first picture using a high ISO (3200) this shows what happens when it's fairly dark it makes most the image hard to see.

This was our second image we took, outside of the South building, the ISO setting we used for this picture was 400, on this day where it wasn't sunny just dull and cloudy, the ISO setting we used was good enough to capture the best possible picture.

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