
Monday 25 January 2016


Defamation- is when a false claim has been made to someone, if this affects someones reputation or a companys, firms and other establishments this allows them to sue them.

slander definition-slander means the defamation of spoken words like rumours and public accusations as these are less serious and they're harder to prove in court

Libel means the defamation of written words such as articles these are more serious due to having a copy in front of you for evidence.

Fair comment is the opinion on a subject that has no malicious meaning behind the comment.

Public comment is in the interest of the public which can affect a whole load of people and their rights, health and finances are the main areas that can be affected.

Recent UK defamation

The most well known case I could find was Keith Smith v Williams, it was the first case that was started with a poster in a chat room, and she got herself in more trouble when she posted further demands in a yahoo discussion group with over 100 people seeing this at that time she was fined 10,000 pounds

Other defences- Website owners are also protected, where people post on their this could be by them or someone else.

contempt of court

The crime committed
Arrest or warrant for arrest
Sentence or aquital

If I were to report this claim from a person who lives in Dark Woods, I would be risk breaking Youth identity law as the claim involves someone under the set age, I could overcome this by not mentioning the youths name in my report.

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