
Thursday 21 April 2016

Louise photography assignment 2

These two images above are one example of the grid (the rule of thirds) the top one is this, as you have the persons head in the bottom of the image and the background of the wall and trees to add another measure to the image. The bottom image isn't the correct way of using the rule of thirds.

This is a example of hard light, as there is a high contrast and has a slight reflection of the person by the wall, it would work better if the sun was out more, as then you can get more than one slight reflection.

This is a example silhouette where we used the direction of light to create a shape or hand gesture with the light behind and the lights off.

Lighting- Could be dark or light it wouldn't matter what lighting was available, as there would be floodlights on during the night or if it was misty. And if it was sunny I would only have to set the right setting so it doesn't come out to bright.

Colours-This will be down to what the weather is like on the day, but it will be easy to overcome either way.

Textures- There could be textures on the field if it starts raining however there wouldn't be many textures in my photos.

Shapes- Boats, flags, clouds.

Aperture- If it is a dark day I would have the aperture lower so it allows more light through to the image, and it it's light I will make the aperture higher to make it a bit darker.

Love-I have huge love for sport, mainly football. I've watched football since I was young and have become more attached with the sport as I have developed knowledge from watching the sport for a long time.
I mainly watch the premier league however I do watch other leagues which include, Serie A, Liga BBVA and the Bundesliga. I sometimes go and watch Portsmouth with a few mates if there is a spare ticket available, I do watch lower league football sometimes.

The effects of weather- The weather can effect our daily life, there can be serious winds that causes mayhem, flooding, thunderstorms can cause many issues around the world. 

Freedom- Escaping your daily life for a hour or two, or sometimes longer. Going to a hot place where you can relax on your own, or for me chilling to music outside when it's a nice day.

On our cannon camera the lowest ISO is 100 and the highest is 6400.

Where to find the ISO setting on the cannon, you change it to TV, then click the top arrow on the camera it says ISO and then you will be given the option from Auto, 100-6400 and select which one you need.

If you want a darker picture change the ISO to a low number for example 100 that will make the picture near enough black, and will be hard to see.

If you chose a high ISO, that will let more noise come through which can cause your photo you are taking to be more blurry so you need to find the right balance for the ISO.

This was our first picture using a high ISO (100) this shows what happens when it's fairly dark it makes most the image hard to see.

This was our second image we took, outside of the South building, the ISO setting we used for this picture was 400, on this day where it wasn't sunny just dull and cloudy, the ISO setting we used was good enough to capture the best possible picture.

Leading lines


For my photography assignment we had to choose one of ten titles these were. Love, life, power, freedom, urban culture. the effects of weather, celebrating diversity, making a living, the build up and saying goodbye. Once we have chosen from the list we we have to take 10 practice photos to see what will need improving for when it comes to getting my final pictures, from experimenting before hand with the rule of thirds, aperture, and ISO these will effect my images so I have to contemplate these factors while prepping and taking my final picture. As I've chosen weather. The location will be Southsea as it's easy enough for me to go to via the bus. And there are many good times for me to go their, I don't have a set place at Southsea as then it gives me a wider range of places to choose from. I have chosen weather as there is no limits when it comes to weather as any form of weather is fine, although if it's raining and I can get the right shot it will potentially be the better choice of weather. I wont need any models in my pictures as I don't want that to take the   make my photo look more professional due to the setting and it's all dependent on if it's sunny, cloudy or raining. This could be problematic so before I go out and take my photos I will need to check the weather forecast to see what day is most suitable. I can then book out the camera, and the equipment from college.

The equipment I will use will be from the college it will be a Canon camera, which allows me to take the best possible picture required for this assignment. To avoid camera shake I will take a tripod which would be useful if I need to get a shot that includes me to get a lot of the location in or if I need to set a timer on the camera this will then avoid any possible camera shake.

The first thing I will do once I've collected the camera is to make sure there is enough battery life as I don't want to get to my location to find out the battery is flat, I'll also check to see if the memory card is in the camera as well. These are standard processes to make sure the equipment I have is correct and good to use. Once I've done these I will set the camera to manual that will allow me to control the zoom, and focus mainly when taking my picture. It allows more freedom for myself taking the picture as otherwise if it's on automatic the camera will chose the settings that they think is more suitable to my lighting or zoom.

 The camera angles will vary from a wide selection, middle shot, long shot, extreme long shot and close up. I will take a mixture of all camera angles to give me a verity of different pictures and I can then chose the best one from them, however I think a long shot will be most likely the best as I've researched other weather based images and the best seem to have the weather as the main focus if that's rain or clouds then a little be of scenery which can make the image you've taken stand out more to the eye.

To control hard and soft light I will have to adapt to the lighting and the sizing of an object that could possibly be in the way of my shot, however with weather I may get away with it as there shouldn't be anything to cause a reflection or shadows.

In my image I was intending to capture a good representation of weather this wasn’t going to be easy as I had a lot of obstacles to over come before I went out to take my images once I had planned efficiently, I went and took 14 pictures of weather at Southsea. Some were good and some weren't as good as I would've liked For research, I went online and chose the best ‘weather’ image out of them all. However, my final image shows how weather can make a picture look worse or better in certain scenarios and in this particular picture, the gloomy day has made my picture look better. While I was taking my pictures I was intending on showing a good effect of weather in more than one picture. Some weren’t good at all due to the lighting of the image, so I had to play around with the aperture as the picture was coming out darker as it was a dull day. Therefore I changed it to F11, this allowed light to travel through the camera and make it brighter, but not to bright. I didn’t want to set a lower setting as the picture has the effect of a dark, gloomy and miserable day. To start with I had a low ISO setting that made the picture black, so after having a look at the settings I chose ISO 800 and that made my picture a lot more visible and clear. 

While I was planning to take my pictures, I set out to go out on a gloomy day and show how good a picture can be even when it’s not sunny out. I have done much secondary research throughout my planning and I have found most pictures are either when it’s raining or when it’s a summer day. However I had found some pictures where it was a gloomy day but it was a rare occurrence. Therefore this made me want to show how good a dull day can look when you have the right settings on your camera and a little editing on Photoshop can make any image look that much better. But from my secondary research which conducted of looking on websites and across a wide selection of magazines there were only sunny days for weather. This could be due to the fact photographers don’t want the hassle of possibly having to edit or continuously change settings until you get the perfect shot. Furthermore this was just a minor issue for me to deal with, so when I went in the afternoon to get my final shot it was perfect, this was due to my timing and thoughtful planning before hand. My final picture has a resemblance to another photographers picture that was taken towards the pier that was the main focal point for theirs. But for mine I wanted to mainly focus just on the sky and the sea which shows the effect of weather as it was a miserable day which can be seen from the waves. The main focal point for my final picture would be the clouds as that gives you the feeling of how the day was when I took the picture.

My final assessment of my performance is that it was mainly all good, my time management was very good, it had to be as I wanted to get all my main bits of work done and when it came to getting my final picture I acted swiftly and appropriately to get my pictures. When I printed my picture our on photographic paper I got some peer feedback and most the comments were positive, some of the comments were that it is “different from your ordinary weather photos, however it looks good”, most were along the same line as that comment. But there were a few little negatives from one or two people they were both the same comment, “Maybe use a different location next time, somewhere more suited to your choice of weather”. That is a fair comment to make and I wouldn’t even say it’s criticism it’s more advice than anything, and if I’m honest maybe choosing another location would’ve improved my work a little more so next time I will take that into consideration and aim for a more suited location. To further my picture even more if I were to do it again I would spend a little bit more on Photoshop to add more detail, as for this I only cropped the edges a little, even though that made it look better I could do more to make it more professional. What I’ve learnt from this is that it is a lot harder than it looks to get the perfect shot, and a lot of time has gone into trying to get the perfect shot. Before this I thought I’d be able to dedicate an hour at most to it but instead I spent hours on this assignment, and overall it was worth the time. furthermore with a few minor tweaks next time I do an assignment like what I've done here it will be much more professional. 

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