
Monday 18 April 2016

methods report

There are two types of research I could possible use to gather valuable information for my music magazine. Primary research is the first of the two types, to gather information from primary research you have to go out and get the information. This can include questionnaires, surveys and focus groups, the positive to all these methods are that it is recent where with secondary it isn't always new information. However with that in mind there are also disadvantages to primary research, it is very time consuming and if you needed to get feedback quickly these methods would not be suitable. There is also a high chance the feedback you get back will be in accurate as it can be other biased or people are just giving an answer as they have to. So when it comes to primary research you must take precautions when gathering information.

Secondary research is free to access as the information has already been gathered, the methods include, books, internet and newspapers. These are more reliable methods than primary research however you can find the exact same flaws in these as you can primary. However these methods are easier to access and they are free, as you can access these on the internet. where if you wanted to create a survey you might have to sign up and pay monthly to create one.

Primary and secondary work well together and if you use the right balance they can give you valuable information that you need, so for my methods I will use a variety this will give me a balance between quantitative and qualitative data.

I have used both primary and secondary research for my music magazine, as you can see here I have created a survey which is a form of primary research that I have used to gather information out from my target audience, this gives me a mixture of both recent and old information related to my music magazine. Therefore I can conclude what the most popular choices after I've gathered enough information from primary and secondary research.



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