
Monday 18 April 2016

Survey report

From my survey which was put onto the college newsroom for people in our class to fill out, I gathered important information which will help improve my final design. Majority of people listened to pop more than any other genre of music. From gathering this information I will consider basing my music magazine of mainly pop music as it is the most listened to therefore it will sell the most.

In my survey I asked a verity of questions, there were 10 questions for people to fill out. From the second question from my survey I gathered that all people read a music magazine, and the most popular from the options was NME, this wasn't a surprise as it is a well known music magazine which has established themselves over the years. Q and Mojo only received one vote each. 

One of the key factors in making my target audience buy my music magazine would involve having artists/bands that are popular now or are a music legend that may not be alive anymore, so I had to narrow it down so I asked what era of music do you prefer and the outcome was that the majority of people prefer current music, however this was expected as majority of people like pop music and pop music isn't known for it's only songs and is more for what is trending at this time. 

Another question involved people answering if they read articles on bands/artists. And 75% of people said they did, this is a good piece of information to get as I can include an article on a band and an artist in my music magazine. The feedback I got from this specific question was good as the people who voted also gave me some names on who they did read the articles on. There were many artists and bands who I could mention, but for me the most recognisable were Lady Gaga, Ed Sheeran, Queen B and Green day. 

62% of people said they haven't been to a festival however they said they would like to go to one in the near future. The people who voted yes said where they went, this included V festival, Reading, hyde park and Download. This could help out while deciding what to add around the front cover.

Majority of people listen to music on their phone, with 87% of people voting for phone this is most likely due to music apps you can download and listen to your music while you're out at work or college. Only 13% of people said they listen to music on a tablet this is probably because it's not easy to carry around. And surprisingly no one listens to music on a computer.

I got a mix response from people saying they download music illegally or they buy it, or they do both, most people said they do both this is because people use apps like spotify and apple Imusic and then people download it from YouTube so they can put their music onto other devices.

When asked about how much they listen to music the responses were all too much or all the time, this is good as I can tell people will be interested in a music magazine, as long as I base my music magazine on what the majority like. So I have a bigger audience to aim for.

Overall I am happy with the feedback I received, and there were only a few surprises, and that was mainly down to me expecting people to vote for what I like rather than what they liked. I was naive before hand, however the results I got back will help me chose the right genre and other topics related to music that will have a bigger audience.

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